pumpkin seeds

For a long time in the caves of Mexico, archaeologists have discovered this valuable food product. Even before our era, Indians living in the American continent used a pumpkin in their diet. Seeds of pumpkin were the main quality dietary supplement to food. Pepitas – the name of pumpkin seeds in Mexico. The same word is used for yachts and trademarks.

The inhabitants of ancient Greece, also widely used in their diet this high-calorie product. It was noticed that pumpkin seeds do not lose their nutritional value even after lying for five months, but on the contrary they preserve and it is possible to say they accumulate the protein content. In 100 gr. Seed contains about 559 calories.

Under the guidance of Academician N.I. Vavilov in 1926 gourd was found in North Africa. So began the procession of golden pumpkin around the world. In the Old Testament, there is also a mention of this miraculous product.

In their writings Petronius and Cormella also mentioned the golden pumpkin.

Many nationalities use this vegetable in different household needs. For example, the Latin American Indians made pumpkins from their pumpkins for their children.

In China there is a belief that the family was strong, you need to give the newlyweds a mascot from a pumpkin.

The pumpkin came to us in the 16th century from the east along with the Persian merchants, or from the West, in any case, we are grateful for this wonderful storehouse of vitamins and useful elements.

In our climate, it has miraculously taken root and yields good harvests. There are many varieties of pumpkin, we in Ukraine use a table pumpkin and its seeds.